In a shorewall6-lite 5.2.8 config, I want to get externally defined data (an 
IP6 addr),

        cat /etc/shorewall/MYIP6.current

and assign its content to a dynamic variable for use in SW

Selecting from

        Extension Scripts (User Exits)

I settled on

        init -- invoked early in “shorewall start” and “shorewall restart”

In my shorewall6-lite config, I've

                MYIP6=$( cat /etc/shorewall/MYIP6.current )

I use it in SNAT as

                ?FORMAT 2
                SNAT(%{MYIP6})    [2600:xxxx:xxxx:xxxf::]/64    EXT_IF

There's no ERROR on compile or start.

The "SNAT-ing" simply doesn't appear to work; replies from the 'net are NOT sent to 
"MYIP6" ... rather to "2600:xxxx:xxxx:xxxf::ZZZZ", the IP of the client.

But, if I remove the *var*, and use the explicit/literal addr,
                ?FORMAT 2
-               SNAT(%{MYIP6})    [2600:xxxx:xxxx:xxxf::]/64    EXT_IF
+               SNAT([2600:xxxx:xxxx:xxx0::56])    [2600:xxxx:xxxx:xxxf::]/64   

all's good; as intended, replies are SNAT'd, and return back to the originating 

Are %vars usable in /snat?
Is my usage incorrect?

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