On Wed, 8 Dec 2021 19:35:57 +0530
Nagarjun J <1nagarj...@gmail.com> wrote:

Regexp issues need to be addresses but those are /not/ error.

> *ip6tables-restore v1.8.3 (legacy): unknown option
> "--reject-with"Error occurred at line: 110Try `ip6tables-restore -h'
> or 'ip6tables-restore --help' for more information.   ERROR:
> iptables-restore Failed. Input is in*

This is your error. For some reason ip6tables-restore doesn't understand
what you have defined for proxyndp.

Why do you need proxyndp? Any isp should give you network which
is bigger than /64 so you can just do routing and don't need to do
proxyndp. Giving single network would be violation of rfcs, everybody
need proper IPv6 block from their isp, like /60 at minimum (16
networks) or /56 (256 networks).

Tuomo Soini <t...@foobar.fi>
Foobar Linux services
+358 40 5240030
Foobar Oy <https://foobar.fi/>

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