
I have a weird problem. I had a power interruption today during a generator install, and when everything came back up afterwards, my XMPP server (ejabberd) is not receiving any external connections. No firewall rules changed.

The relevant rules in my Shorewall config are:

Jabberd(ACCEPT)         all                     all
JabberPlain(ACCEPT)     all                     all
JabberSecure(ACCEPT)    all                     all


# Jabber (moved to narn)
DNAT net LAN: tcp 3478,4560,5222,5223,5269,5280,5347,5444,8010,8888 DNAT net LAN: udp 3478

These are the exact same, unchanged rules that were running before the downtime. A friend ran an nmap scan from outside the firewall:

21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> PORT     STATE  SERVICE  VERSION
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> 22/tcp   closed ssh
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> 25/tcp   open   smtp     Postfix smtpd
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> 53/tcp   open   domain   ISC BIND 9.16.37
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> 80/tcp   open   http     Apache httpd
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> 443/tcp  open   ssl/http Apache httpd
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> 6667/tcp closed irc
21:03 < ~Fuzzy_Elf> Service Info: Hosts:,

Notably MISSING from this list of open ports is 3478, for starters. If I LOCALLY nmap the same host, I get:

22/tcp   open  ssh
25/tcp   open  smtp
111/tcp  open  rpcbind
3306/tcp open  mysql
5222/tcp open  xmpp-client
5269/tcp open  xmpp-server
5280/tcp open  xmpp-bosh
8888/tcp open  sun-answerbook
9000/tcp open  cslistener
9102/tcp open  jetdirect
9200/tcp open  wap-wsp

Note that all the xmpp ports are present as expected.

Can anyone suggest to me why my firewall is apparently ignoring my instructions to accept and DNAT XMPP traffic?

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: +1.603.293.8485
  Mobile:   +1.603.998.6958

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