Le Thu, 26 Oct 2023 21:00:41 +0300, Tuomo Soini a écrit :

> Those are replies to clients which have actually already gone. So
> completely normal. While your web server has been processing request,
> client has gone and so netfilter has already closed the connection.

I understand much better. It was the notion of closed connection that I 
lacked for understanding.

>> Note that I have exactly the same question with the mail server and
>> ports 25,110,143,465,993,995.
> Same for these.

Of course. I suspected that the reason was the same, and that's why I stuck 
to the simple case of the Web.

> You can remove these from logging by changing REJECT_DEFAULT in
> shorewall.conf. If you add dropInvalid there those won't get logged any
> more.

I had the default:
I added dropInvalid

I'll see how the logs evolve from now on.

> Web is not a standard protocol name, so shorewall developers decided to
> add HTTP and HTTPS macros which are actual protocol names instead. But
> to make sure old firewall installs won't break on shorewall upgrade, old
> Web macro was left there.

I'll switch to HTTP+HTTPS then.

Thank you all for your valuable help.

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