Hi everyone,

After several weeks observing the Shotwell developpement and testing the
application, I finnaly jumped in an began to use it.

So during these weeks, I said several times to myself "It would be good
if gnagnagnagnagna..." So I thought I could suggest you these features. 

I already suggested a few of them, those remaining are mostly relative
to the tags.

- Copyright Informations : For those who can't store copyright, artist
or author information with a function of theire camera, I think it
should be good to have a way, inside Shotwell or at the import, to store
that in the picture.

- Give the same title to multiple files : It's impossible as far as I
know and it's a pain to add the same title to my 300 photos of the
Eiffel Tower.

- Preset the title with the event name : as an option, just for people
who don't want to entitle their 5 kilophotos.

It's just some feature proposal, as I see you are very aware of our

Thx again for the great work,


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