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The United Nations is expected to ask Australian troops to form the core of 
an international military operation for East Timor in the likely event the 
province votes for independence from Indonesia. 

Defence sources told The Age that under strategies discussed by Federal 
Cabinet's national security sub-committee, Australian and New Zealand troops 
are expected to form a ``nucleus of expertise'' for any East Timor force at 
the UN's request.

Under the strategy other Pacific and Asian countries - such as Fiji, Malaysia 
and possibly Thailand - would be asked to contribute the bulk of the ground 
troops for the force, which would be referred to as an ``international 
monitoring group'' or a ``transition assistance force''.

In related developments:

* The UN Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan, has delayed by a week, to 
30August, the referendum on East Timor's independence, the second time that 
the United Nations has delayed the vote amid concerns that the security 
situation in East Timor is not conducive to a free and fair ballot. 
Originally, the plebiscite was scheduled for 8August, and was later delayed 
to 21 or 22August. 

* Australia is to press Mrs Megawati Sukarnoputri, the woman most likely to 
emerge as Indonesia's next president, to give clear commitment that East 
Timor will be given independence if a majority votes for it. And the Foreign 
Minister, Mr Alexander Downer, said in Singapore that Australia would 
consider sending more police to East Timor to deal with any increase in 
violence after the self-determination ballot.

As the East Timor vote nears, Australia has stepped up its military 
contingency planning in line with intelligence assessments that the result of 
the vote is likely to be independence.

According to these assessments, there is a strong likelihood that a sharp 
increase in violence - inspired by some pro-integrationist militias and 
elements of the Indonesian military - will accompany a result favoring 

The Australian Army's First Brigade - a 2800-strong, readily deployable unit 
based in Darwin - would contribute heavily to such a deployment.

Defence sources said the whole brigade - including all its helicopters and 
its light and heavy armored vehicles - may not be deployed under such a 

They said it was most likely that First Brigade would contribute at least 
1500 personnel, including engineers, communications experts, intelligence 
operatives, reconnaissance staff and some medical experts.

While New Zealand would not be able to send similar numbers, Australian 
strategists believe New Zealand could contribute a battalion-sized group of 
up to 500 specialised soldiers.

Sources said that while the United States, Britain, Portugal and other 
European Union countries may have logistic input into any UN military 
operation, it has been made clear to Australia that these countries would be 
unable - or unwilling - to contribute troops. ``The US and Britain see this 
as Australia's responsibility. We expect them to dig deep into their pockets, 
but they will not be contributing men,'' a defence source said.

Japan was also expected to make a financial contribution.

``Some of the (public) assessments (about East Timor) have been optimistic. 
But it is fair to say defence is being more realistic,'' a defence source 

``A realistic assessment is that, given the likely result of the vote, there 
would now have to be a 75 per cent likelihood that the UN will ask Australia 
to contribute heavily to a multinational force a short time later, in the 
event of violence.''

Defence strategists are also completing the rules of engagement acceptable to 
Australia under several scenarios, including if a UN force is required to 
oversee a peace agreement or if it was required to act as a peacemaker.

Despite Indonesia's consistent refusal to publicly contemplate foreign troops 
in East Timor, some Australian defence strategists are expressing new 
optimism that Indonesia may be willing to accept outside military assistance 
in the event that the vote supports independence.

Mr Downer will visit the East Timorese capital of Dili on Friday to meet UN 
staff and Australian consular officials.

Mr Downer has said that, if asked by the UN, Australia would consider 
contributing troops to a UN military force for East Timor.


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