Hi Rob,

On 2/11/09 5:46 AM, "Rob Austein" <s...@isc.org> wrote:

> The combination of TLS and CMS was the result of advice the design
> group got from Steve Bellovin, Steve Kent, and Russ Housley when Randy
> and I asked them to review this protocol, back in 2007.  The two
> mechanisms serve different purposes.
> We use CMS for authentication and authorization (is the entity
> requesting this action authorized to do so? etc).  It's also intended


> to allow for audit: if one is paranoid, one can archive a copy of
> every CMS message and use it (along with archived PKI material) to
> prove at some later date that the action was properly authorized.  So
> I view CMS as the main security mechanism here, and the one that's
> most closely aligned with the underlying semantics.

Right, I also have a similar PoV. Although, and it may be an academic
distinction - my reading is that if the XML operations are not truly
idempotent then the 'CMS Signing Time' would have been a more pragmatic

Was that analysis done? (apologies if it was, I quickly checked list
archives but couldn't see if the question had been asked)

> TLS is present mostly to protect against replay attacks and other
> naughtiness.  Our advisors saw our initial attempts to include replay
> protection in the CMS-signed XML messages and advised us to use

o.k. BTW is the rescerts-provisioning-05 RFC4346 is specified. RFC4346 is
obsoleted by RFC5246.

So if you do authentication and authorisation in the CMS, why do you need 2
way identification at the HTTPS layer if it's just for privacy?

ie authentication of both parties versus server authentication with an
unauthenticated client? (RFC5246 App F.)

> existing technology (ie, TLS) instead, which makes some sense.

... I'm not sure why though.. :-( Maybe you can explain that to me over a

> also provides privacy (which it's not clear we need), and helps to
> limit denial of service attacks to known entities.

ummm Does it? 

> At this point, having written my own HTTPS implementation and seeing
> how weak (read: effectively nonexistant) the concept of a session is
> in HTTPS, I'm not convinced that TLS is providing all that much in the
> way of useful replay protection.
> At this point, though, we do have
> multiple interoperable implementations of this protocol using TLS, so
> unless it's actively harmful I'd just as soon leave it alone for now.

Maybe just a refocus on ''why'' TLS is used, and to what extent, given other
architecture parts.

> FWIW, though, at least in my implementation, all the AAA logic is tied
> to CMS, not TLS.

Yes.. and having run your code I see that, which is why I ask some of the

> The PKI used for this (both CMS and TLS) is not the RPKI, it's a
> separate PKI (which the design group has been calling the "BPKI",

Maybe a clarification then required so people don't start trying to plug
RPKI certs into provisioning engines for CMS?

> because it mirrors the business relationships between
> certificate-generating entities).  In the abstract, the BPKI can be
> anything that both parties to a particular conversation are willing to
> use, as this is only used in pairwise conversations and doesn't
> transit to third parties.  The main thing is that the parent in a
> parent-child relationship gets to dictate the BPKI model to be used:
> this pretty much falls out of the hierarchical nature of the system.
> So my implementation, at least, has a particular model that I use when
> I'm the parent, and is (I hope) flexible enough to handle whatever
> model my parent might be using when I'm the child.   I can go into
> more detail on the model I'm using, but I'm not sure that the WG
> really needs to sign off on that level of detail.

I think something, at some stage, might need to be documented given that the
BPKI (as you put it) seems to be a first order layer for the conversation.

(although note my comments above about the necessity for 2-way
identification given the authentication/authorisation is done in CMS)

> The protocol nesting is tedious but straightforward:
>    IP(TCP(TLS(HTTP(CMS(XML(up-down))))))

So, given that ASN.1 is fully capable of describing the data going back and
forth (up/down). Why add the extra XML blob?

btw, I think the draft needs to also reference the ITU' (nee CCITT)
Recommendation X.208: Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1).

> As far as different security models between this and the rest of the
> RPKI system: the difference is less extreme than it might at first
> appear.  Other than the TLS wrapper discussed above, everything is
> object security, using either CMS or X.509-derived objects which were
> signed to begin with.

thinking from a different point of view - noting that the draft is using
HTTPS with identification of server and client, for replay and privacy - why
not consider the W3Cs XML Signature Syntax?

> Hope this helps.

Sure does.

Hope you had fun playing mini-golf.


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