Hi Randy,

On 30/11/2009, at 4:13 PM, Randy Bush wrote:

>> I note that it does say the ISP assumes the role of the client, and the ISP
>> is the subject of a resource certificate.
> what is the client is not an isp, e.g. an RIR, NIR, end site, ...?

I'm using the current terminology of the document to discuss Terry's concerns, 
but we will be changing to the terminology of "Subject" and "Issuer" in the 
next version of the document.

This is noted at: http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/sidr/trac/ticket/5



Byron Ellacott                         email:           b...@apnic.net
Technical Area Manager, APNIC          sip:        b...@voip.apnic.net
http://www.apnic.net                   phone:         +61 7 3858 3100

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