I support this.


On 2010.08.25. 10:23, Sandra Murphy wrote:
Geoff Huston has requested that the working group adopt the draft "CA Key
Rollover in the RPKI" draft-huston-sidr-keyroll-00.txt. This draft was
announced on July 26. This wg chair apologizes to the authors for the delay
in making the requested wg call for adoption.

The draft is available at

The draft was presented at the sidr meeting in IETF78 in Maastricht, NL. The
slides are available at http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/78/slides/sidr-7.pdf.

Recall that active support for adoption is necessary for the wg chairs to
judge acceptance as a working group work item, so silence works against
adoption. The wg chairs also want to know who would be willing to work on
the draft.

Please respond to the list, giving your recommendation for or against
adoption of the draft as a wg work item as well as your intention to work
on the draft if adopted. The call for adoption will end in two weeks on 8
Sep 2010.

--Sandy, speaking as wg chair

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