Jason, All,

On Feb 21, 2011, at 09:02 MST, Jason Schiller wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2011, Russ White wrote:
> |So the only security problem anyone faces, currently, is people cheating
> |on the AS Path length?
> I thougth my previous post (as well as other) have been pretty clear on 
> this topic.  The Kapella style attacks are sucessful because an 
> organization can add ASes that they are not autorized to use to the 
> AS-path.

But, who is certifying what are legitimate vs. illegitimate AS_PATH's when the 
AS_PATH is greater than 2?

IOW, let's take a simple case of a stub AS, (AS_A), who is purchasing transit 
from two upstream providers: AS_B and AS_C.  In that case, the originating AS, 
AS_A, certainly has 'authority' on who (or, what set of AS'es) should be 
providing it with transit.  And, I can see the origin AS, AS_A, having 
something analogous to an IRR 'aut-num' object to tell the world what AS'es it 
is exporting/importing routes/AS'es to/from.  Operationally, this is already 
done today (for those that use IRR aut-num objects, at least).  I get it.  If 
this is where we draw a line in the sand that we want SIDR work to go, but no 
farther (at least for now), then OK.  (However, I'm still not sure if REQ #4.1 
in draft-ymbk-bgpsec-reqs-00 is intended to address an origin ASN -> transit 
provider's AS_PATH relationship reqm't or is restating what the concept of 
ROA's do today.  Can someone clarify?)

However, the impression I'm getting is that folks want SIDR to go a step beyond 
that.  For example, AS_B and AS_C announce AS_A on to their upstreams/peers -- 
and, this is where I don't get it.  Let's use just the case of transit provider 
AS_B.  Let's say he announces AS_A onto AS_X, AS_Y and AS_Z, so you have an 
AS_PATH that looks like the following:

At this point:
a) There is no *direct* contractual linkage from AS_A to AS_X, Y or Z ... and, 
just as importantly, /further beyond AS_X, Y and Z/.
b) Just as importantly, there is no IANA or RIR -- currently! -- that certifies 
the contractual linkage between AS_B and AS_X, Y and Z.

>From a contractual PoV, AS_A has very little to do with _who_, beyond his 
>directly connected transit providers/peers (AS_B and AS_C in this example), 
>his routes are announced to.  Instead, AS_B is contractually obligated to 
>announce, or not announce, AS_A's routes based on whether AS_B's connected 
>AS'es are peers or transit providers.[1]  (Yes, there are exceptions like AS_A 
>tagging routes with "NO_EXPORT", but operationally those are most likely an 
>exception, IMO, intended to withhold more-specifics ... not 'general' 

I believe this, potentially, ties back to REQ's #3.14 and #4.2 in 
draft-ymbk-bgpsec-reqs-00, which (depending on your PoV) either conflict with 
each other or REQ #3.14 makes the 'assurances' people desire in REQ #4.2 not 
any better than we have in BGP today at AS_PATH lengths greater than 2.  
Specifically, let's assume that AS_Z is contractually a 'peer' of AS_B and that 
AS_Z has suddenly gone "rogue".  AS_Z is now starting to announce AS_B, (and 
AS_A), on to AS_Z's __peers__ (AS_J, not depicted)[2].  AS_Z can sign AS_B's 
(and, AS_A's) routes all day long and they'll look "legitimate" from the PoV 
that a "recipient of an UPDATE [will know] that that UPDATE has traversed that 
AS_PATH in the update".  But, and here's the key point: a recipient of routes 
from AS_Z shouldn't *really* accept them, correct, because that AS_Z is 
breaching their contract with AS_B?  Or, to look at it in a completely 
different light, what 'value' does a signature provide in this case compared to 
 's non-signature based AS_PATH?

In summary, an AS_PATH is more than just a series of "breadcrumbs" on where an 
UPDATE has been.  In reality, there's a lot of very, very complicated 'policy' 
(really, dollars) on where it's _allowed_ to go, as well, that ultimately 
matters if you're going to provide assurances that it's "legitimate" or not.  I 
highly, highly recommend the reqmt's draft is much, much more clear on what 
assurances folks are attempting to make at, for example, various AS_PATH 
lengths, otherwise the signatures are likely to be, at best, meaningless.


[1] REQ 3.14 of draft-ymbk-bgpsec-reqs-00 states that a "BGPsec design MUST NOT 
require operators to reveal proprietary data ... [that] includes peering, 
customer and provider relationships".  This seems to ignore the reality that a 
recipient would need to know this if you're going to understand that, for 
example, a peer should only be sending you their transit customer's routes ... 
not their other peer's routes ...
[2] For the more security-oriented folks in the room, at a very high-level, 
peer's only announce their transit customer's routes to each other.  As a peer, 
you do not announce your other peer's routes on to other peer's ...
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