Greetings again. Reading through the -12 draft and the mailing list archives, I 
cannot figure out what a cache is supposed to do when it has new data and thus 
a new serial number. Does it have to send a Serial Notify PDU? I'm pretty sure 
that the draft says all of "yes", "no", and "maybe" in different places. There 
should be one clear answer.

My personal choice would be "no" because the client router is already polling 
with Serial Query whenever it feels like it. In fact, it looks like Serial 
Notify can be completely eliminated and greatly simplify the implementation of 
the protocol, because then the protocol would be truly client-server with the 
client always initiating contact inside the transport. Yes, I know that it is 
late to redesign the protocol, but such a change is easy to make and would 
clarify the cache server's role significantly. The "do you have anything since 
serial number X" / "Nope" dance is very small, so I strongly suspect that even 
if a router client polls every minute, that traffic will be insignificant.

I question the need for "yes", given that a router is required to be polling 
anyway. I don't think that "maybe" makes sense at all, but could be convinced 

--Paul Hoffman

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