> given that current crypto hardware isn't really designed to accelerate
> the types of operations BGPSec would require of it

the extended instructions in westmere and sandy bridge are good for

> Section 3 reuses a good bit of text from sidr-origin-ops regarding
> placement of caches (local vs remote, "close", etc). Same comments
> apply here. More to the point, perhaps simply referencing the other
> document and leaving this one to document things that are specific to
> BGPSec would be cleaner.

good point

> Bgpsec-reqs 3.4 provides a list of operational considerations to
> discuss. Would probably make sense to ensure that the document covers
> all of the listed items, perhaps even using those items as section
> headings for continuity's sake.

probably more appropriate in the protocol document, or an adjunct to it

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