I have updated the BGPSEC protocol specification.

At the SIDR meeting in Quebec, there was significant discussion about how BGPSEC could provide security of the AS-PATH attribute while still accommodating the needs of route servers that participate in BGP, but do not wish to increase the length of the AS-PATH attribute. The -01 version of the draft contains a mechanism (a field called pCount) which attempts to address this issue by having route servers create BGPSEC signatures without increasing the effective length of the AS-PATH attribute. I would greatly appreciate comments on this mechanism and whether it adequately addresses the issues raised at the last SIDR meeting and subsequently discussed on the list.

There was has also been significant discussion on the SIDR list of the "Expire TIme" field in BGPSEC and the associated "Beacon-ing" (that is, periodic re-advertisement of a prefix with a new signature and a new Expire Time) as a mechanism to address replay attacks (as well as attacks where a malicious peer fails to propagate the withdrawal of a route). My understanding is that the consensus of the working group was that the current Expire Time mechanism is reasonable as long as re-advertisement is only required at the origin AS (and not at intermediate ASes). The current -01 version of the draft attempts to reflect that consensus.

Finally, there are a number of small editorial changes that I believe will improve the clarity of the draft. Thanks again to everyone who has reviewed the document, feedback on how the text could be made more easily understandable is especially welcome.

- Matt Lepinski

On 10/31/2011 3:38 PM, internet-dra...@ietf.org wrote:
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. 
This draft is a work item of the Secure Inter-Domain Routing Working Group of 
the IETF.

        Title           : BGPSEC Protocol Specification
        Author(s)       : Matthew Lepinski
        Filename        : draft-ietf-sidr-bgpsec-protocol-01.txt
        Pages           : 28
        Date            : 2011-10-31

    This document describes BGPSEC, an extension to the Border Gateway
    Protocol (BGP) that provides security for the AS-PATH attribute in
    BGP update messages.  BGPSEC is implemented via a new optional non-
    transitive BGP path attribute that carries a digital signature
    produced by each autonomous system on the AS-PATH.

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