The authors believe that the draft is ready for publication.  This announces a 
two week last call.  The WGLC will end 31 Aug 2012.

Please report to the list whether you support publication of this draft or not.

The draft is available at

The abstract says:

   This document provides an implementation report for RPKI Router
   protocol as defined in [I-D.ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr].  The editor did not
   verify the accuracy of the information provided by respondents or by
   any alternative means.  The respondents are experts with the
   implementations they reported on, and their responses are considered
   authoritative for the implementations for which their responses
   represent.  Respondents were asked to only use the YES answer if the
   feature had at least been tested in the lab.

--Sandy, speaking as wg co-chair
sidr mailing list

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