>I'm pretty sure the captured proceedings for "Discussion of Key Rollover 
>Mechanisms for 
>Replay-Attack Protection" [!=beacon?] mentions "beacon" at least eleven times.

And hence the confusion.

Sriram's presentation was about strategies of doing key rollover, not a 
protocol feature.

>Adding new attributes to standards-track BGP that require a "refresh" function 
>through *some* 
>new attribute by the origin AND independently by each transit AS (and perhaps 
>BGPSEC-enabled BGP router therein) under the auspices of "key rollover" rather 
>"freshness" is, well, still pretty much the same thing functionally - they're 
>still periodic updates
 >in a soft state protocol that don't exist in BGP today.

One of the strategies Sriram mentioned involved key rollover at regular 
intervals.  The other strategies do not change keys regularly.

The new attribute does not have a required refresh function.  It uses crypto 
and any use of crypto requires the ability to change keys.  

The strategy for changing the crypto keys is an individual decision of the 
ISPs, not a protocol feature.  ISPs may decide to change keys at regular 
periods, or they may not. (And reports of current ISP behavior wrt TCP MD5 keys 
seems to be that they currently decide never to change keys at all, 
ironically.)  No one knows what ISPs will decide, so it is incorrect to 
describe the system effects of this one strategy out of many key rollover 
strategies as a feature of the protocol.

>I still contend that doing anything to introduce periodic updates in the 
>global inter-domain routing system 
>is a terrible idea and is something we should avoid altogether.  Even 
>[ripv1-rfc1058] provides some 
>hints as to why this is a bad idea.

Periodic updates are not introduced in this wg.  Periodic updates are not a 
feature of the protocol.  Periodic updates could arise only if everyone chose 
the regular interval key rollover strategy. There is nothing in this sidr work 
that forces that choice.   The strategy for changing keys is a function of the 
*individual* *independent* decisions by the ISPs.

Perhaps you would prefer it if the ops document discouraged the ISPs from 
choosing that particular key rollover strategy.

--Sandy, speaking as co-chair

From: Danny McPherson [da...@tcb.net]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 6:24 PM
To: Murphy, Sandra
Cc: sidr@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [sidr] about "beaconing" and the bgspec-protoocol

On Dec 7, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Murphy, Sandra wrote:

> From comments made at the mike in the last IETG sidr session after the 
> discussion of key rollover techniques, I think there might be a bit of 
> confusion about beaconing.
> An Expire Time was a feature of the bgpsec protocol in versions 00-01.  The 
> purpose of the Expire Time  was to prevent replay and ensure freshness.  The 
> effect of this feature was to require periodic readvertisements of all 
> prefixes, hence the name "beaconing".
> Based on wg discussions, "beaconing" was removed from the bgpsec protocol in 
> versions 02 (Mar 12) forward.
> Protection against human time scale replay, e.g., from neighbor relationships 
> that change, was suggested to be possible through the use of key rollover.

I'm pretty sure the captured proceedings for "Discussion of Key Rollover 
Mechanisms for Replay-Attack Protection" [!=beacon?] mentions "beacon" at least 
eleven times.  Additionally, "BGPSEC router key rollover" was about periodic 
updates (aka "beacons") as well.

Folks can name them periodic updates, or beacons, or even stretch and call them 
triggered updates if you want.  Adding new attributes to standards-track BGP 
that require a "refresh" function through *some* new attribute by the origin 
AND independently by each transit AS (and perhaps each BGPSEC-enabled BGP 
router therein) under the auspices of "key rollover" rather than "freshness" 
is, well, still pretty much the same thing functionally - they're still 
periodic updates in a soft state protocol that don't exist in BGP today.

I still contend that doing anything to introduce periodic updates in the global 
inter-domain routing system is a terrible idea and is something we should avoid 
altogether.  Even [ripv1-rfc1058] provides some hints as to why this is a bad 

I know we're focusing on hyper-deduced stuff here, but the combinatorial 
effects of orders of magnitude larger updates in BGP through BGPSEC proposals, 
breaking and effectively disabling the ability for BGP update packing anywhere, 
considerable added churn through origination and transit node-triggered 
"beacons", and added processing overhead for cryptographic functions for 
signing and validation, all in today's BGP, sure makes me real concern about 
our goals and if the reward outweighs the risk here.

I highly recommend that these documents be experimental and people playing with 
this stuff in BGP do so in closed environments, not on routers attached to the 
global routing system; it's fragile enough as is.


[!=beacon?] http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/85/slides/slides-85-sidr-4.pdf
[ripv1-1058] http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1058
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