> From: sidr-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:sidr-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of
> Randy Bush
> > Note that cut/copy and paste operations over a SSH-proected CLI
> session
> > for keys over a certain sizes is error-prone; a less error process is
> to
>                                                             ^-prone
> > use a USB or CF device to copy the key to and then insert the device
> in
> > to the router.
> way too detailed.  you noted that pure text copy/paste is error prone.
> that's enough.  do you really want to get into the 42 other ways of
> doing it?  how about copy/paste of a checksummed package containing the
> credential?  or xmodem?  and don't forget paper tape!  :)

[WEG] Agree with Randy. Was more thinking about this in terms of the hardware 
swap scenario (section 5), rather than initial key provisioning. You say that 
vendors SHOULD allow the key to be offloaded and then provide examples of 
offload methods, but sneakernet isn't one of them. I don't think we have to 
tell implementers to support importing a key from a filesystem (in whatever 
form) but being explicit about the ability to EXPORT it to a filesystem is a 
different matter.


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