Hi Keyur,

Many thanks for the answers. Comments inline #Bruno
Adding sidr in copy

From: Keyur Patel (keyupate) [mailto:keyup...@cisco.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 6:52 PM
To: DECRAENE Bruno IMT/OLN; Susan Hares; idr wg
Cc: 'John G. Scudder'; Murphy, Sandra
Subject: Re: [Idr] 1 WG call for Review 
draft-ietf-sidr-origin-validation-signaling-04 - RFC4271 changes

Hi Bruno,

Thanks for the draft review. Comments inlined #Keyur

From: <bruno.decra...@orange.com<mailto:bruno.decra...@orange.com>>
Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:40:05 +0000
To: Susan Hares <sha...@ndzh.com<mailto:sha...@ndzh.com>>, idr wg 
Cc: "'John G. Scudder'" <j...@bgp.nu<mailto:j...@bgp.nu>>, "Murphy, Sandra" 
Subject: Re: [Idr] 1 WG call for Review 
draft-ietf-sidr-origin-validation-signaling-04 - RFC4271 changes


Thanks for the cross WG review. Please find below some proposed comments.

1)      For people not following SIDR, could you please elaborate on why 
http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-idr-custom-decision-04 has not been used? 
(via the registration of a new Point of Insertion specific to origin 
validation) (as I though draft-ietf-idr-custom-decision was intended to be the 
last time BGP decision process would be modified)

#Keyur: The draft don't suggest modifications to the BGP best path algorithm. 
Infact the next rev of the draft should fix and remove section 3 as well.  The 
extended community used in draft is use to signal BGP best path validation 
state within an IBGP network.
#Bruno: current version (04) of the  draft do change the BGP decision process. 
cf section 3.
If you remove section 3 in the next revision, this is indeed a different story.

2)      Could the document specify the action to be taken when multiple "Origin 
validation state extended" community are present with different validation 
state? And how are handled validation state value > 2. (from current text, it 
would not be considered an error, just lower priority. But I would prefer an 
explicit statement to avoid surprising error handling behavior)

#Keyur: There SHOULD not be multiple such extended communities for a given BGP 
path. We can add the necessary text.
#Bruno: I agree on the goal. The question is how do you handle the case/error 
when there is more than one.
I guess that this is less important if you remove section 3 and this community 
is purely informative with no impact on BGP decision process.

3)      Rfc 6811 is referenced twice in important sections. What about moving 
it to "normative reference"?

#Keyur: Sure.

4)      Following discussion triggered by 
http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-decraene-idr-rfc4360-clarification-00 I 
understood that the IDR conclusion was that a non-transitive community may be 
attached on the outbound policy of an eBGP session; hence may received over an 
eBGP session. Given this, IMO the security consideration needs more text. 
(assuming that the ability for a neighboring AS to influence/force the origin 
validation state is considered acceptable, which would probably need to be 
discussed in SIDR)
#Keyur:  Ideally, the usage of this community should NOT be encouraged across 
inter-as boundaries.  We can add necessary text to reflect that part.
#Bruno: I agree on the goal. The question is how do you handle the case 
(error/attack) where your untrusted neighbor sends you this community over an 
eBGP session.



From: Idr [mailto:idr-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Susan Hares
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 4:32 PM
To: idr wg
Cc: Murphy, Sandra; 'John G. Scudder'
Subject: [Idr] 1 WG call for Review 
draft-ietf-sidr-origin-validation-signaling-04 - RFC4271 changes


The SIDR WG has asked for cross review of the 
draft-ietf-sidr-origin-validation-signaling-04.  This draft changes the RFC 
4271 decision process in the following manner:

If a BGP router supports prefix origin validation and is configured for the 
extensions defined in this document, the validation step SHOULD be performed 
prior to any of the steps defined in the decision process of 
[RFC4271<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4271>].  The validation step is stated 
as follows:

      When comparing a pair of routes for a BGP destination, the route

      with the lowest "validation state" value is preferred.

In all other respects, the decision process remains unchanged.

The draft is at:


John and I would like to hear your comments regarding the RFC 4271 revision.  
Please send comments that include "support"  or "no support".

Sue and John


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