On Jun 27, 2014, at 8:53 PM, Randy Bush <ra...@psg.com> wrote:

> [ you omitted the as number in your discussion, but ca needs a so it
>  knows which AS signs.  luckily bgpsec-pki-profiles does have it in the
>  pkcs#10 subject ]

That's a good point.

Actually, bgpsec-pki-profiles does NOT have it in the PKCS#10 subject.

bgpsec-pki-profiles gives a list of exceptions to the PKCS#10 defined in 
RFC6487, but the exceptions do not include the AS number. 

I had forgotten (if I ever noted) that the PKCS#10 profile in RFC6487 does not 
include the number resources.

So we need to come up with a way to get the AS number to the CA, also.

>> 4 We could change the "the value of this field SHOULD be empty" text
>> in RFC6487 to add an exception for router certs.  That would allow the
>> PKCS#10 subject name to be non-empty so it could carry the router ID
>> in the subject name.
> that's a, b, and k.  the ca has all it needs.  yummy.

We don't yet have the "a" part of this.  Work to be done.

> so, imiho, 1 and 3 are not viable.  2 and 4 are viable, but 4 requires
> less work and invention than 2.

Except for the point you made about the AS number.

--Sandy, speaking as regular ol' member

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