Hi All,

As you are probably aware ICANN has been following the SIDR work fairly
closely, based in the IAB guidance that a single authoritative trust
anchor should exist - what we term as the Global Trust Anchor (GTA).

In the process of looking at the implementation of this, the GTA, and the
technical concerns relating to stability and resiliency, a few questions
have bubbled to the surface over the past year. Instead of sitting on our
hands and not communicating to the WG we thought it best to raise what we
are thinking and seek a discussion. Thus we would very much like the WG
guidance and advice on these questions.

We have created a draft to raise these discussion points.


Are there simple answers? and if so, what are they? Have we
mis-charatcerised some concerns? How? Are our concerns unfounded? and why?
Are there more concerns that people see and which we haven't covered here?

Terry and Leo

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