Looks like auto-complete in the recipient list meant that my message below went 
only to the sidr secretary.

Sorry about that.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sandra Murphy <sa...@tislabs.com>
> Subject: minutes and updated slides uploaded
> Date: November 4, 2014 9:00:48 PM EST
> To: SIDR Secretary <sidr-secret...@samweiler.com>, "i...@ietf.org wg" 
> <i...@ietf.org>
> Cc: Sandra Murphy <sa...@tislabs.com>
> I uploaded minutes, with thanks to Sue Hares for taking the minutes.
> I made a few name spelling corrections.  I added a comment where Sue had 
> recorded something I said that I did not recognize.  Anyone else who 
> remembers that part of the conversation can clarify.
> There was one participant who introduced himself as Chris from Australia.  
> Neither Sue nor I were certain of Chris's last name.  If anyone knows who 
> that might have been (I thought the last name might have been Weiren), could 
> you please let the chairs know?
> I made a few changes to the slides as noted in the meeting.  I changed "Ie" 
> to "I.e.," on slide 11 to help those who thought it read "le", as in "less 
> than".  I added the router keying draft to the list of documents, noted as 
> missing during the meeting.  I deleted two spare slides at the end - more 
> colorful versions of previous slides.
> The minutes are copied below.
> If anyone has any comments or corrections, please do send them to the list.
> --Sandy
> Attendees
> ·      Susan Hares
> ·      John Scudder
> ·      Chris Morrow
> ·      Sandy Murphy
> ·      Chris from Australia, last name possibly “Weiren”
> ·      William (Bill) Attwood
> ·      Mike Baer
> ·      Jeff Haas
> ·      Jay Borkenhagen
> ·      Alia Atlas
> ·      Doug Montgomery
> ·      Kotikalapudi Sriram
> ·      Oliver Borchert
> ·      Hyojeong Kim (RSVP'd but not certain was in attendance)
> ·      Kambiz Agahian
> SIDR Meeting
> 10:05 Recording attempted but failed.
> Meeting intended to provide a little bit of background for the IDR folks who 
> will be asked to comment on the SIDR draft. This background provides the 
> necessary information for IDR participants to review the BGPSEC work.
> Slide presentation
> Questions after slide 10:
> ·      John:  How large will these signatures be?
> ·      Sandy: One of the drafts (algorithms), these certificates use ECDSA. 
> ·      Doug: We could send a note regarding how the BGPSEC impacts the normal 
> common RIB.  Size of signatures and how this could related to common RIBs
> ·      John: I’m asking how many bytes per ARC
> ·      Sriram: 64 bytes (P256 curve) per AS
> ·      John: This is contrasted to 4 per AS.
> Slide 11:
> ·      Sandy: We have done away with the AS Paths, and it is encoded in the 
> BGPSEC Attributes. Including the AS Path might confuse.   We did not tunnel 
> the ASPath information as the 4 Byte AS does. There is an algorithm to 
> extract the valid ASPath from the BGP Sec AS Path.  An implementation can 
> remove it from the BGP SecPath attribute upon reception. At the boundaries, 
> you must strip the BGPSEC Attributes.
> Slide 12:
> ·      [Chris W(?)]:  Can you tell me how this will impact on global routing 
> system on carrying the signatures?  
> ·      [Sandy]: Rephrasing the question if you send one NLRI per update, how 
> does this expand the space requirement?  Secondly, how much does the 
> signature add per ASpath. 
> ·      Doug M: The RIB modeling dealt with the signature size issues. We’ve 
> presented these details  at a SIDR meeting.  
> ·      Sriram: We also looked at how many more updates how many more updates 
> will you have.  When we examined this 4 years ago, there were an average 3.8 
> NLRI per attribute path. Therefore you will grow by 4 times.
> ·      Jeff:  In the grand scheme of input, I agree that the data flow of 
> will grow by 4 times per update.  However, the major costs will be processing 
> time and internal space sharing due to the lack of caching of the ASPath 
> related attributes.
> ·      Sandy: Can you tell us why it is impossible to share the AS Path.
> ·      Jeff: Most attributes tend to share objects as shared objects  (AS, 
> next-hop, etc). The problem is that the AS-Path will not be able to be shared.
> ·      Sandy: I see that the signature is not sharable.
> ·      Jeff:  In implementation, these tend to be grouped together.
> ·      Doug: If you are caching at the attribute level.  Then the 
> path-attribute would be unique for each attribute that is signed.
> ·      Sandy: I do understand that the signatures are unique. If your code is 
> caching attributes, this should not prevent as_path sharing?
> ·      Jeff: You need to store the signature as an attribute of the path 
> attributes.
> ·      Sandy: It should not hamper
> ·      Jeff: Implementations may need to change our cache. The processing of 
> the AS path is big part of the caching methodology. Therefore the caching 
> will be higher than you consider in your estimates of per route estimates.
> ·      Sandy: Should we consider this input?
> ·      Jeff: The point is that this will impact the routes
> ·      John: People should think about what this means for their attribute 
> list.
> Second question stream:
> ·      Sandy; Does this impact the route server functions?
> ·      John:  There are two document: Route serve ops draft is a grow draft – 
> it is in or past IETF LC. The Route Server is an IDR draft, and it is not yet 
> ready for WG LC.
> ·      Sandy: I was not certain if the route-server changes were in-spec or 
> out-spec for BGP of the information.
> A Router-server operates as a collection point for routes at an exchange 
> point (IXP) from all peers.  The route-server removes its own AS, and the 
> path length does not change.
> ·      John: For BGPSec, the route server is visible as regarding signatures, 
> but invisible regarding the path length.
> ·      Sandy: The route server sends ASPATH with a key encrypted.   (From 
> Sandy: I am not sure what I said here.  The route server sends a BGPSEC 
> attribute with itself included, but is flagged as a route server, so the 
> ASPATH path length does not increase and the route server AS would not appear 
> in the extracted ASPATH)
> ·      John:  People who care about Route Server scalability should review 
> previous slides.
> Slide 13:  No additional questions
> Slide 14: 4 byte AS numbers are assumed.
> Slide 18:
> ·      Kambiz: Will BGPSEC change the decision process?
> ·      Sandy: The results of the BGPSEC process will be available for the 
> decision process.  The BGPSEC process will mark whether this is valid or not. 
>  This is then left to the BGP decision process.  These are similar to the 
> BGP-origin state.   One example one operator adds +100 from preferences valid 
> and subtracts 50 for the invalid state.  There has been discussion that under 
> a heavy load you send all routes.
> ·      Kambiz: Can this be done on a private AS.?
> ·      Sandy: RPKI is for global and public resources. The certificates are 
> all related via the trust hierarchy.  You can set-up a local RPKI to handle 
> local address space (E.g. RFC1918 space) and then use BGPSEC path attributes. 
> ·      Sriram: We do have fairly detailed RIB-size modeling slide for normal 
> routers and route-reflectors (Quebec Meeting).
> ·      Sandy: I think that your route-reflector mode would be similar to 
> route-servers.
> ·      John: Sriram did you have the same information for CPU load – Would 
> you include that?
> ·      Sriram: yes we do. We assumed general purpose processor (Sandy bridge, 
> KVM process) on how the BGPSEC mode.
> ·      Sandy: Can you bring this up in the joint meeting.
> ·      Jay Borkenhagen:  on slide 18, partial deployment   two clouds of 
> BGPSEC do not know of each other.  What happens if AS456 is partially 
> deployed? I think that the only thing that matters is that there is a pathway 
> through AS456 can be connected.
> ·      Sandy: This is an interesting point. I do not know how operators will 
> deploy BGPSEC.  Do you think it will cause a problem?
> ·      Jeff: This feature will be partial islands of secured information.  
> You will have an AS will be half secure and half secure. It is likely that 
> the security aspects of the BGP information will impact deployment. This may 
> increase tunneling between ISPS.  This may impact forwarding.
> ·      Sandy: This forwarding can be done via tunnels or careful next-hop 
> handling.
> ·      Sandy: I’m not sure what happens when one routing policy is not 
> contiguous through an AS. 
> ·      Chris: Some of this operations process and some of this is 
> implementation specific.   comments.
> Final comments: John: We have an open agenda for BGPSEC.  Please send in 
> agenda suggestions to both the IDR and the SIDR chairs.
> Meeting ended at 11:25 am.

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