Hi Matthias,

We have been thinking of building a similar graphical UI for browsing the RPKI 
tree into our validator, but we haven’t had the time to work on it so-far, and 
we have quite a few other things to work on as well. What is your future plan 
with this? Are you planning to provide this as a service, or do you envision 
this is a tool that people can run locally? Is it open source?

I like the initiative and I think it’s a useful concept. I played with the 
filter to search for a resource, and I would like to suggest that if I search 
for example for a prefix that maybe I should also see more specific matches. 
For example if I now search for I see the certificate issued to 
RIPE NCC operations, but it doesn’t show the ROA for


On 28 Nov 2014, at 11:06, Matthias Waehlisch <m.waehli...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:

> Hi,
>  we started with the development of a browser that provides a graphical 
> user interface to the objects of the distributed RPKI repository. A very 
> preliminary version is available here http://rpki-browser.realmv6.org/.
>  As we think such a tool could be useful for the community, we are 
> asking for input at a very early stage. Please let me know which 
> features you would like to see in such kind of tool.
>  Some more details are described here 
> https://labs.ripe.net/Members/waehlisch/call-for-input-rpki-browser
> Thanks
>  matthias
> -- 
> Matthias Waehlisch
> .  Freie Universitaet Berlin, Inst. fuer Informatik, AG CST
> .  Takustr. 9, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
> .. mailto:waehli...@ieee.org .. http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/~waehl
> :. Also: http://inet.cpt.haw-hamburg.de .. http://www.link-lab.net
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