Hi all,

I have submitted a bis of RFC6487 as a -00 individual submission, and
will be presenting it in Dallas.

It's a minor change from RFC6487.  Changes incorporated:
  * all 3 verified errata
  * RFC 7318 (update)
  * two changes that were submitted as errata but rejected for being
    technical changes:

Comments welcome.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-rhansen-sidr-rfc6487bis-00.txt
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2015 15:56:48 -0700
From: internet-dra...@ietf.org
To: Richard Hansen <rhan...@bbn.com>, Andrew Newton <a...@arin.net>,
Robert Loomans <robert.loom...@suncorp.com.au>, Geoff Huston
<g...@apnic.net>, George Michaelson <g...@apnic.net>

A new version of I-D, draft-rhansen-sidr-rfc6487bis-00.txt
has been successfully submitted by Richard Hansen and posted to the
IETF repository.

Name:           draft-rhansen-sidr-rfc6487bis
Revision:       00
Title:          A Profile for X.509 PKIX Resource Certificates
Document date:  2015-03-09
Group:          Individual Submission
Pages:          32
Htmlized:       http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-rhansen-sidr-rfc6487bis-00

   This document defines a standard profile for X.509 certificates for
   the purpose of supporting validation of assertions of "right-of-use"
   of Internet Number Resources (INRs).  The certificates issued under
   this profile are used to convey the issuer's authorization of the
   subject to be regarded as the current holder of a "right-of-use" of
   the INRs that are described in the certificate.  This document
   contains the normative specification of Certificate and Certificate
   Revocation List (CRL) syntax in the Resource Public Key
   Infrastructure (RPKI).  This document also specifies profiles for the
   format of certificate requests and specifies the Relying Party RPKI
   certificate path validation procedure.

   This document obsoletes RFC 6487.

Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.

The IETF Secretariat

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