> One question that comes up when reading this document. Now that we've
> removed the dependency between Origin Validation and Path Validation but
> are expecting them to run in parallel with some shared components, do we
> need to discuss how BGPSec cert rollover interacts with Origin Validation
> cert rollover, possibly giving hints to what a combined rollover process
> looks like? Are we expecting that they should be done at the same time, or
> that they should NOT be done at the same time, or does it just not matter?
> For example, if it's better to have the rolls done separately, then
> probably some guidance about the expiry times not lining up might be good.
> It's conceivable that if you're doing an emergency roll on account of
> compromised keys, you might be doing both at once, regardless of whether
> it's a good idea normally, so I think we need to highlight any gotchas
> that may be present. Maybe this belongs in the ops doc?

the enumeration of all tuples which do not interact may be dauntingly


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