
Thanks for thinking (in great depth) about the potential security implications of
SKI collisions in BGPsec.

In the general case of a PKI, collisions of SKI values are not security relevant. The SKI MAY be used in path discovery, but the intent was to limit its use to
quickly finding the right CA cert when multiple CA certs appear in the same
directory entry.  (Specifically, one looks at the directory entry for the CA
specified as the Issuer of the cert for which a path is being constructed. if
there is more than one CA cert in that entry, one can compare the AKI in the
target cert against the SKI values in each of the candidate parent CA certs.
The alternative is to try verifying the signature on the target cert using each of the public keys in the candidate parent certs. So, SKI/AKI matching is an optional
optimization.) In the RPKI (ignoring BGPsec for the moment) this is still
how the SKI is to be used, and thus the only problem that might arise if an
INR holder created a lot of (CA) certs with the same SKI value (but different keys)
is that the optimization would fail, and the RP would have to revert to the
"check the signature with each public key" fallback.

In BGPsec, the signature block carries an SKI and that value is used to search for the right key to use when verifying the signature on a signature segment. Each signature segment aligns with a secure path segment entry. The validation algorithm described in Section 5.2 of te BGPsec spec says that one queries a router cert database containing triples of (ASN, SKI, public key). Each query uses the ASN as the first lookup key, then it uses the SKI to locate the right key, if there is more than one for the AS. This is analogous to how the SKI is used in a traditional PKI, i.e., the SKI is used to speed up the process in case there are multiple public keys for the same AS. (The algorithm is not quite the same here, because an SKI match is required, but the security implications are the same.) Thus, while there is no need for SKIs to be globally unique, SKI collisions for router certs for a single AS could degrade the router cert
lookup process.

Since we want a router to be able to quickly locate the right cert, it does behoove us to avoid the potential attack you noted. There is no easy way to change the SKI computation algorithm in a cert and signal that to RPs. This is an oversight in the X.509 design, but one that does not seem especially problematic in the normal PKI context. So mandating use of a different hash alg for SKI/AKI computation is not very attractive. In the BGPsec/RPKI our environment we could impose a requirement on RPs to check router certs to verify the criteria you cited, i.e., no two router certs for the same AS# are allowed have the same SKI and different public keys. I think this is a simple, additional check to add to the router cert profile I-D.

Thanks for paying such careful attention to this!


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