really do appreciate review.

do not appreciate pdfs of word docs; makes copy paste and commenting
back a major pain.  though i have come to suspect that is one of your
goals.  so i will not comment on your comments in that pdf, though i
adopted/adapted the majority, with which i agreed.  

> - I don't consider myself to be on the hook for a "torn Euro" protocol

back in 2007, you really did say you would do it.  but this year it the
kook kids would use a blockchain contract; that'll be a fun section to
write :)

> - I think the doc should distinguish between transfers of "live"
>   address space vs. transfers of space that is not currently in
>   use. The former are more complex tan the latter and thus merit a
>   different discussion

operationally, you do not have a solid proof of [dis-]use.  and i do not
see how they should be treated differently.  prudence says do it as if it
is live.

> - the text does not yet adequately describe the steps that need to
>   take place when the Buyer or Seller are not directly under a Swing
>   Point.

sent text

> - the TAO doc described a procedure for resource transfer that
>   avoids the concern you cited in Section 5.

good.  when we get to that doc, we can then deal

i did not finish until after the dreadline.  so all will be revealed in
two weeks.  for a small fee, early peeks might be available.


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