At Thu, 21 Jul 2016 13:42:07 -0400,
Stephen Kent <> wrote:
> Sandy & Chris,
> I believe Chris' declaration is premature.
> I anticipate that Dr. Ma may want to take over slurm, with David's
> permission.
> With a few minor tweaks the use cases doc can be done.

ok, let's put some dates around the 2 items then:
  1) use-cases - decide on tweaks & rev-document: Aug 1
                 review and WGLC  Aug 14
                 send to IESG Sept 1

  2) Get hand-over on SLURM - Aug 1
                 New revision Aug 14
                 Discussion and next steps Sept 1

Propose alternate dates, 'no-date' is not valid as an answer... we
need to march toward conclusion.


> Steve

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