Just so that everyone on the list is aware of the background info....

I sent this suggestion (email copied below) to Alvaro.

Alvaro replied to me in detail.

I would request him to post that response on this list as well

so everyone has the full context.

Alvaro asked me to invite comments on the WG list.

Please read the proposal below, and share your thoughts. Thanks.



From: Sriram, Kotikalapudi (Fed)

Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 4:57 PM

To: Alvaro Retana (aretana)

Subject: BGPsec draft and extended messages

Hi Alvaro,

Just trying to think aloud about a possible way to have wording in the BGPsec 
draft that does not require normative dependence on the extended message draft. 
I think it can be done in a rational way as follows. Please feel free to shoot 
this down if the rationale seems weak.

Currently the draft reads in Section 2.2:

   Note that BGPsec update messages can be quite large, therefore any

   BGPsec speaker announcing the capability to receive BGPsec messages

   SHOULD also announce support for the capability to receive BGP

   extended messages [I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-extended-messages].  Please see

   related operational guidance in Section 7.

Suggestion: Remove the above paragraph from Section 2.2 and add the following 
in Section 4.2 (Constructing the BGPsec_Path Attribute):

BGPsec update size is subject to a maximum BGP update size. The maximum size at 
present is 4096 bytes [RFC4271], and it may be extended to a larger size in the 
future. If the sending router determines that adding its Secure_Path Segment 
and Signature Segment causes the BGPsec update to exceed the maximum size, then 
it will convert the BGPsec update to an unsigned traditional BGP update [using 
the procedure in Section 4.4] and send the unsigned update. (Note: Please see 
related discussion in Section 7.)

Then the existing discussion paragraph in Section 7 (operations) related to 
extended messages can be replaced with the following:

BGPsec update size is subject to “current” maximum BGP update size, noting that 
“current” maximum size may increase in the future. The maximum size at present 
is 4096 bytes [RFC4271], and it is expected be extended to a larger size in the 
future [I-D.ietf-idr-bgp-extended-messages]. Given the ECDSA with curve P-256 
for the signature algorithm [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-algs], each AS in an AS path 
adds approximately 100 bytes of BGPsec data (i.e. Secure_Path Segment and 
Signature Segment). Hence, the maximum size of 4096 bytes is exceeded only if 
there are 40 or more distinct ASes in the AS path. (Note: AS prepends are 
compressed out with the use of pCount as described in Section 3.1.)  Currently, 
the average and maximum AS path lengths in the Internet are 3.8 and 14, 
respectively, and have remained in this ball park for many years [Huston].

[Huston] G. Huston, “AS6447 BGP Routing Table Analysis Report,” March 13, 2017. 

(BTW, the above wording perhaps also makes it independent of the form extended 
messages takes eventually – separate RFC that updates BGP-4 or as default in 
BGP-5 OPEN(?) etc. )

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. Thank you.

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