>> SIDR/GROW/IDR and well documented in IDR (see Section 4)
>> ( 
>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-idr-route-leak-detection-mitigation-06
>>   ).
>> The solution involves AS-A setting a field (in an optional transitive
>> attribute)

>glad you liked the attribute approach well enough to plagarize it from
>our draft.  now you just need to change from misconfigurable statements
>of relationships to plagarize the bgp open part of our draft and your


To the response that Brian already offered, 
I would like to add the following with due respect.
Our version-00 working group draft was published July 22, 2015, and it stated:
"   The proposed RLP encoding SHOULD be carried in BGP-4 [RFC4271]
   updates in an optional transitive path attribute. " 
Your version-00 individual draft was published in March 2016. 



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