On 6/22/17, 10:36 AM, "Tim Bruijnzeels" <t...@ripe.net> wrote:



> All that said I will work on an update of this document following 
> Alvaro’s review. This document will define an additional validation 
> algorithm, but not update the existing one. We can finish this work 
> first and then have a structured discussion about deployment - I 
> propose that we take this work to SIDROPS.

I’m assuming that you mean: finish draft-ietf-sidr-rpki-validation-reconsidered 
in sidr (i.e. publish as an RFC) and then further discuss deployment in 
sidrops, right?

> I canceled all my meetings today so I should have updated text to 
> share with my co-authors soon. Will then send a new version to 
> the WG asap.

Just a procedure note:  Even though there should be a good number of changes, I 
don’t think we need to run the result through the WG (as in a new WGLC).  I’m 
happy to allow time for anyone to comment further, either now or during IETF 
LC.  I just rather not officially send the document back to the WG.



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