Speaking as one of the wg co-chairs:

We would like to congratulate the wg and the RFC editors, authors and 
contributors on the publication of the suite of RFCs related to BGPsec.

Everyone stand up and take a bow, you’ve all earned it.

There’s no way to list everyone involved without making this sound like a long 
Oscar acceptance speech.  But just the editors can be called out:

       RFC 8205

       Title:      BGPsec Protocol Specification 
       Author:     M. Lepinski, Ed.,
                   K. Sriram, Ed.

       RFC 8206

       Title:      BGPsec Considerations for Autonomous System (AS) Migration 
       Author:     W. George

       BCP 211        
       RFC 8207

       Title:      BGPsec Operational Considerations 
       Author:     R. Bush

       RFC 8208

       Title:      BGPsec Algorithms, Key Formats, and Signature Formats 
       Author:     S. Turner, 
                   O. Borchers

       RFC 8209

       Title:      A Profile for BGPsec Router Certificates, Certificate 
                   Revocation Lists, and Certification Requests 
       Author:     M. Reynolds, 
                   S. Turner,
                   S. Kent

       RFC 8210

       Title:      The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to Router 
                   Protocol, Version 1 
       Author:     R. Bush, 
                   R. Austein

       RFC 8211

       Title:      Adverse Actions by a Certification Authority (CA) or 
                   Repository Manager in the Resource Public Key
                   Infrastructure (RPKI) 
       Author:     S. Kent, 
                   D. Ma

—Sandy, speaking as one of the wg co-chairs
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