
This looks reasonable to me, but I can’t speak really to the router 
implementation - being neither a network operator nor a router vendor. As a CA 
operator I note that the draft is not restrictive about exactly how the RPKI CA 
gets the CSR, and the signed certificate is returned. That’s a good thing to me 
at this point, so I would say ship it. But I believe it would be good to keep 
this in mind in the sidr-ops WG - if this proves operationally difficult then 
it may be something to discuss further later.


> On 3 Oct 2017, at 05:14, Christopher Morrow <christopher.mor...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> WG Folk,
> I thought I had sent this note our previously, but... better late then never 
> sent:
> Please consider this the WGLC for:
>   https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-sidr-rtr-keying-13
> Abstract:
>   "BGPsec-speaking routers are provisioned with private keys in order to
>    sign BGPsec announcements.  The corresponding public keys are
>    published in the global Resource Public Key Infrastructure, enabling
>    verification of BGPsec messages.  This document describes two methods
>    of generating the public-private key-pairs: router-driven and
>    operator-driven."
> Please send along comments/complaints/issues/kudos (to the authors), to the 
> list and I'll see you all in ~14 or so days.
> Thanks!
> -chris
> co-chair
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