> the set may be empty - still reject

that is orthogonal.  if you think the syntax even allows it, the text
should handle the null set or sets.  you may wish to read

4.8.10.  IP Resources

   Either the IP Resources extension, or the AS Resources extension, or
   both, MUST be present in all RPKI certificates, and if present, MUST
   be marked critical.

   This extension contains the list of IP address resources as per
   [RFC3779].  The value may specify the "inherit" element for a
   particular Address Family Identifier (AFI) value.  In the context of
   resource certificates describing public number resources for use in
   the public Internet, the Subsequent AFI (SAFI) value MUST NOT be

   This extension MUST either specify a non-empty set of IP address
   records, or use the "inherit" setting to indicate that the IP address
   resource set of this certificate is inherited from that of the
   certificate's issuer.

>>> Original Text
>>> -------------
>>>      encompass
>>>         Given two IP address and AS number sets, X and Y, X
>>>         "encompasses" Y if, for every contiguous range of IP addresses
>>>         or AS numbers elements in set Y, the range element is either
>>>         "more specific" than or "equal" to a contiguous range element
>>>         within the set X.
>>> Corrected Text
>>> --------------
>>>      encompass
>>>         Given two IP address or two AS number sets, X and Y, X
>>>         "encompasses" Y if, for every contiguous range of IP addresses
>>>         or AS numbers elements in set Y, the range element is either
>>>         "more specific" than or "equal" to a contiguous range element
>>>         within the set X.

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