Hello Vikas,

What do you mean by stability ?
Is it their mechanical stability or their thermodynamical stability, or
still something else?

On one hand, the mechanical stability is characterized by the absence of
soft phonon modes or more generally by the positiveness of the dynamical
matrix of the system. In this case, the carefull calculation of the phonon
band structure appears to be a interesting tool in order to tackle the
stability issue.
On the other hand, the thermodynamical stability is related to the
potential barrier between the structure of interest and the structure
presenting the absolute minimum of energy. This is a very subbtle problem
wich can be takled with the help of the NEB (Nudged-Elastic-Band) or ART
(Activation-Relaxation-Techniques) techniques....

I hope that it helps you,


> Dear All,
> I need to understand the concept regarding the stability of a molecule,
> cluster or a structure. As i am working on nanotube structures, i want to
> study their stability.How can i study their stability. Can you suggest me
> how can i do it using SIESTA.   Waiting for kind replies.
>   Thanks a lot in advance.
>   Vikas Thakur
> ---------------------------------
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