Hi Nabil,

thank you for your response.

Yes I have this message In the top of my output file:
 TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF run
 time limit.Exited with exit code

I tested it several times and it stops at the 2nd
iteration. I have not killed it. 
I tested it on another machine because i think that it
is the problem of memory but it always gives me the
same problem.

I have not understund where I can shoose a bigger
time. In the .fdf file ?

Can you give me more informations?


> LSF (load sharing facility), is an application(like
> PBS) that makes you able to submit your job on a
> multiuser and multiprocessor computer.
> This appilcation manage the allocation of your
> calculation needs (running time, memory, number of
> processor...)
> the message you have in your siesta output file says
> that the running time you choosed is not enough for
> your calculation. 
> the solution is to choose a bigger time.
> I hope that it helps you.
> Nabil,

Adresse en Algérie:

Melle: Dahbia AMMI
Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Quantique (LPCQ), Université Mouloud Mammeri, 
Tizi-OUzou, 15000, Algérie.

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