Dear Marcos, David,

  Thank you for pointing out the meaning of the z-"flag" on the PDOS file.

  Yet, have you actually plotted the PDOS for spin-polarized systems at
some point? I created a small script to plot the PDOS for a very simple
system: A Mn dimer. I know the eigenvalues are very close to those
obtained from a trusted plane wave code. The occupations as obtained from
the EIG file and the location of the fermi levels from standard output are
also consistent with the results  from that plane wave code.

If things are as both of you indicate, I should get, for the first column
of the <data> the up-spin states at particular energies, and the
corresponding down spin entries from the second column.

  Instead, what I have is a second column filled with zeroes (not a single
peak when plotted, see red line in attached figure), and a first column
that actually resembles the *sum* of spins (blue line; I am attaching a
figure for clarity, hope it is okay). I know there are issues with
non-ortonomal basis sets and that it is valid to get negative dos from
those  but, really, it looks like what I am getting is not the spin-up
component but rather the sum.

  I am looking into the pdosg.F file to try to fix it (line 206). Can not
determine how to do it momentarily. Comments and help on this matter will
be greatly appreciated.


<<attachment: Mn2.tif>>

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