Hi everybody,

I have a somewhat awkward question. I'm relaxing a structure that is
supposed to be magnetic. This means, a SCF run with a broken initial spin
symmetry gives a nonzero magnetic moment. But then, after some relaxation
steps (unfortunately, SIESTA only outputs the magnetic moment at the final
step - or am I missing some input flag?), the band structure becomes
completely spin-degenerate.

So after the relaxation I have a final structure with a zero magnetic
moment. But when I restart the calculation building the DM from scratch, the
SCF gives a nonzero magnetic moment, and a nonzero force. The questions are:

- what physical conclusions could be made from this behavior (AFM, etc.)?,
- how do I make SIESTA build a new initial density matrix at every
relaxation step?

And another, more technical question: how is the local density of states
(the .LDOS file) output in spin-polarized calculations?

Best regards,

P.S. My input seems fine: I'm using a nice basis set, pseudo, mesh cutoff,
k-point sampling etc., and everything works great for similar systems

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