At first, Thanks for your reply Mr. Natanzon!

 Well, may be i wrong, but I dont think that the calculation had
finished well, just because I couldent get my command line back and no
.EPSIMG file was generated. The program only stop working and when
there no process related to siesta runing when I search with "top"
command. First I thought it could be a compilation program, but I
tried to remake the compilation with the rigth library choosing the
rigth architecture ( and I called my system's administrator to help me
with this stuff ) ... but nothing changed!

If you or somebody else know what is happening I would be very gratefull.

Thanks in advance!

My input file follows

SystemName         hcp
SystemLabel        ZnO
NumberOfAtoms      4
NumberOfSpecies    2

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
 1  30   Zn                     # Species index, atomic number, species label
 2   8    O
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

LatticeConstant    5.34 Ang

%block LatticeVectors
   0.54052266  -0.31207090   0.000
   0.00000000   0.62414181   0.000
   0.00000000   0.00000000   1.000
%endblock LatticeVectors

UserSaveData   .true.

AtomicCoordinatesFormat   Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
    1.18569497    2.50011715   -0.02041533   1
    2.14994183    0.83351754    2.64974592   1
    1.18552051    2.50080242    2.01166529   2
    2.15010596    0.83390118    4.68142038   2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

PAO.BasisSize  DZP
%block PS.lmax
 Zn 3
  O 2
%endblock PS.lmax

OpticalCalculation   True
%block Optical.Mesh
   8 8 4
%endblock Optical.Mesh

MaxSCFIterations 2
DM.MixingWeight  0.30
DM.NumberPulay   3
DM.Tolerance         0.1000000000E-04
DM.UseSaveDM  .true.
ElectronicTemperature 150 meV

MD.TypeOfRun       CG
MD.VariableCell    .false.
MD.NumCGsteps      0
WriteCoorStep      .false.

LongOutput        .true.
WriteCoorXmol              .true.
AtomCoorFormatOut  Ang

XC.functional  GGA
XC.authors PBE

PAO.BasisType split

MeshCutoff 225 Ry

%block k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack
 8   0   0  0.0
 0   8   0  0.0
 0   0   4  0.0
%endblock k_grid_Monkhorst_Pack

BandlinesScale ReciprocalLatticeVectors

%block BandLines
    1  0.000  0.000  0.500  A
   39  0.000  0.500  0.500  L
   19  0.000  0.500  0.000  M
   39  0.000  0.000  0.000  \Gamma
   19  0.000  0.000  0.500  A
   50  0.330  0.330  0.500  H
   19  0.330  0.330  0.000  K
   50  0.000  0.000  0.000  \Gamma

%endblock BandLines

%block WaveFuncKPoints
 0.000  0.000  0.000  from 1 to 7
%endblock WaveFuncKPoints

%block ProjectedDensityOfStates
   -16.00  5.00  0.100  1500  eV
%endblock ProjectedDensityOfStates

On 10/29/07, Yurko Natanzon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hmm, it seems the calculation has just reached its end, so this is not
> an error. But you've better attach the whole input and output.
> regards,
> Yurko
> On 29/10/2007, N H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear Siesta Users
> >
> > I trying to run optical calculations with SIESTA turning the flag
> > Opticalcalculations on, but when the geometruy optimization get get
> > over the program stop calculating sudently. It dont return any error
> > message or else, but simply stop working at these ponti of
> > calculation.
> >
> > the first lines with description of my compilling options in teh out are
> > Siesta Version: siesta-2.0.1
> > Architecture  : intel9-mkl8
> > Compiler flags: ifort -w -xW -O0 -mp1 ( I turn out optimizatiosn to
> > check if it was a problem with them )
> >
> > and the last lines before the program stop working are
> >
> > siesta: Pressure (static):
> > siesta:                Solid            Molecule  Units
> > siesta:           0.00172457          0.00169353  Ry/Bohr**3
> > siesta:           0.15834379          0.15549400  eV/Ang**3
> > siesta:         253.69747052        249.13154735  kBar
> >
> >
> > Does any bady know what did I wrong?!
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > NH
> >
> --
> Yurko Natanzon
> PhD Student
> Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics
> Polish Academy of Sciences
> ul. Radzikowskiego 152,
> 31-342 Kraków, Poland

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