Dear all

At first ... I'm a newbie on solid state physics, so excuse-me for any
stupid misunderstandings.

A fellow of mine asked me to test the pseudo potentials he had
generated for calculating ZnO properties with siesta. By the way, when
I try to run the program with a standard basis set the error I get is:

reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
reinit: System Name: ZnO
reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
reinit: System Label: ZnO
reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals ----------
 Species number:            1  Label: Zn Atomic number:          30
 Species number:            2  Label: O Atomic number:           8
Ground state valence configuration:   4s02  3d10
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Zn.psf
Semicore shell(s) with -6 electrons included in the valence for
Ground state valence configuration:   2s02  2p04
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
Image              PC        Routine            Line        Source
siesta             082391B2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             08196668  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             081E7F44  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             081E59B6  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             080C17F6  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             081705B2  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             0804821A  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             086DFBF6  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
siesta             08048111  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from O.psf
Zn                   must be in PAO.Basis (it has semicore states)
Stopping Program from Node:    0

Ok ... If I set my basis set by the PAO.Basis block I can run the
program, but the energies are so high. The first thing I thought was I
could have a bad .psf file or a mismatching between my basis and the
pseudopotencials, but when I asked my fellow about which basis  he did
used he answered that was only the standard one. He sent me his fdf
file and I could not run the program with it. Does anybody knows
what´s happening!?

Great Thanks to all

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