> Hello
>     I am using rho2xsf,  a script to transform 3-dim grid function
>   written by Written by Andrei Postnikov
>     Wehn I run and give the required information i.e system name etc)
>     at the end I always get this message
>      "Error reading function values on the grid"
>     Does any one has a simple file to reply the question asked by
>   rho2xsf.f
>     I tried many times but always facing this problem.
>     Thank you

please check again if you use the same compiler options for rho2xsf
as you use for compiling the siesta.
In particular there might be a "-r8" option in the Makefile to Sies2xsf
which you might not need.

Good luck,

Andrei Postnikov

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