  i am installating siesta in AIX machine of ENEA (in italy). when i use -q64 
option in the flag, then the following error comes......
  ar: 0707-126 mpi.o is not valid with the current object file mode.
        Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.
ar: 0707-126 mpi__include.o is not valid with the current object file mode.
        Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.
ar: 0707-126 Interfaces.o is not valid with the current object file mode.
        Use the -X option to specify the desired object mode.
make[1]: *** [module_built] Error 3
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [libmpi_f90.a] Error 2
  i am also sending the arch.make file i have used, plz have a look and plz 
reply meee...

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# This file is part of the SIESTA package.
# Copyright (c) Fundacion General Universidad Autonoma de Madrid:
# E.Artacho, J.Gale, A.Garcia, J.Junquera, P.Ordejon, D.Sanchez-Portal
# and J.M.Soler, 1996-2006.
# Use of this software constitutes agreement with the full conditions
# given in the SIESTA license, as signed by all legitimate users.
# Makefile include file for IBM SP2 with Power3 procs. MPI.
# No use of ESSL (it lacks zhegv for complex generalized diagonalization).
# Emilio Artacho, October 2000




FFLAGS= -O2 -qhot -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qcache=auto -q64 -qfixed -qnolm 
-qzerosize -qstrict -qthreaded -qmaxmem=-1 
FFLAGS_DEBUG= -g -C -qflag=W:W -qinitauto -qsave -qnolm -qstrict
# -qipa gives speed optimization of a few percent, but takes long to link

LIBS= -Wl,-bD:2000000000 -qsave \
    /afs/enea.it/fra/user/rakshit/aix/libs/BLACS/LIB/blacsCinit_MPI-SP4-0.a \
    /afs/enea.it/fra/user/rakshit/aix/libs/BLACS/LIB/blacs_MPI-SP4-0.a \
    /afs/enea.it/fra/user/rakshit/aix/libs/scalapack-1.7.5 -lscalapack.a \
    -lessel \
    /usr/lpp/xlf/lib/libxlf90.a \
    /usr/lib/libxlf90.a \
    /usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi.a \

#      /home/root/SCA/SCALAPACK/scalapack_RS6K.a \
#      /home/root/SCA/SCALAPACK/pblas_RS6K.a \
#      /home/root/SCA/SCALAPACK/tools_RS6K.a \
#      -lblacs \
#      /usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib/libmpi.a \
#      -qnolm
# essl lacks zhegv of lapack used for scalar diagonalization.
# It is not called in mpi runs, but it is within a not preprocessed
# if, and requires to be resolved. The following line is thus added
# to link the scalar lapack and blas routines provided within the siesta
# package, even though it has no influence on the run
FREE_F90=-qsuffix=f=f90 -qfree=f90
FREE_F90_CPP=-qsuffix=cpp=F90 -qfree=f90
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(DEFS) $<
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $<
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(FREE_F90) $<
        $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(INCFLAGS) $(DEFS) $(FREE_F90_CPP) $<

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