hello siesta users,
  i am doing some phonon calculations on ptn. but when i run the siesta command 
then the following error comes
  "1525-108 Error encountered while attempting to allocate a data object.  The 
program will stop"
  can anybody tell me what is the error. I also send the required files....
  file.out is the out put file from siesta run..
  it stop and the following message comes
  plz help me in this regard

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Attachment: FC.fdf
Description: 993944896-FC.fdf

Siesta Version: siesta-2.0-release
Architecture  : powerpc-ibm-aix5.2.0.0--Xlf
Compiler flags: xlf -g  -O3 -qarch=auto -qtune=auto -qcache=auto -qnolm
SERIAL version

* Running in serial mode
>> Start of run:   2-MAR-2007  11:38:37

                           *  WELCOME TO SIESTA  *       

reinit: Reading from standard input
************************** Dump of input data file ****************************
# $Id: ptn.fdf,v 1.1 1999/04/20 14:43:44 emilio Exp $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# FDF fo
# E. Artacho, April 1999
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SystemName          ptn
SystemLabel         ptn
NumberOfSpecies         2
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
   1     78    Pt
   2      7    N
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
PAO.BasisType       split
#PAO.BasisSize       DZP
PAO.EnergyShift     0.1    eV
PAO.SplitNorm       0.2000
%block PAO.Basis                 # Define Basis set
Pt          2                    # Species label, number of l-shells
 n=6   0   2 P   1                   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   6.982      5.645
   1.000      1.000
 n=5   2   2                         # n, l, Nzeta
   5.044      2.803
   1.000      1.000
N      3  -0.00139
 n=2  0   2  E  65.50216  4.29661
    5.64483  3.02914
    1.00     1.00
 n=2  1   2  E  30.54417  5.81284
    7.25855  2.85547
    1.00     1.00
 n=3   2  1  E  59.15335  0.14049
%endblock PAO.Basis
MeshCutoff    250.00 Ry
# SCF options
MaxSCFIterations         200           # Maximum number of SCF iter
DM.MixingWeight          0.3           # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
DM.Tolerance             1.d-4         # Tolerance in maximum difference
DM.NumberPulay           8             # Number of pulay mixing steps
%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
      12   0    0    0.0
      0    12   0    0.0
      0    0    12   0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
Diag.DivideAndConquer   .false.
%include FC.fdf
UseSaveData   .true.
************************** End of input data file *****************************

reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
reinit: System Name: ptn                                                        
reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
reinit: System Label: ptn                                                       
reinit: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

initatom: Reading input for the pseudopotentials and atomic orbitals ----------
 Species number:  1  Label: Pt Atomic number: 78
 Species number:  2  Label: N Atomic number: 7
Ground state valence configuration:   5d10 
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from Pt.psf
Ground state valence configuration:   2s02  2p03 
Reading pseudopotential information in formatted form from N.psf
For Pt, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 3
 (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.
 Warning: Empty PAO shell. l = 1
 Will have a KB projector anyway...
For N, standard SIESTA heuristics set lmxkb to 3
 (one more than the basis l, including polarization orbitals).
Use PS.lmax or PS.KBprojectors blocks to override.

Pt                   Z=  78    Mass=  195.08        Charge=  .00000E+00
Lmxo=2 Lmxkb=3     BasisType=split      Semic=F
L=0  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=6
          n=1  nzeta=2  polorb=1
               vcte:    .00000E+00
               rinn:    .00000E+00
                rcs:    6.9820      5.6450    
            lambdas:    1.0000      1.0000    
L=1  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=6
L=2  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=5
          n=1  nzeta=2  polorb=0
               vcte:    .00000E+00
               rinn:    .00000E+00
                rcs:    5.0440      2.8030    
            lambdas:    1.0000      1.0000    
L=0  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309
L=1  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309
L=2  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309
L=3  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309

atom: Called for Pt  (Z =  78)

read_vps: Pseudopotential generation method:
read_vps: ATM 3.2.2 Troullier-Martins                       

read_vps: Pseudopotential generated from a relativistic atomic calculation
read_vps: There are spin-orbit pseudopotentials available
read_vps: Spin-orbit interaction is not included in this calculation

read_vps: Valence configuration (pseudopotential and basis set generation):
6s( 1.00) rc: 2.44
6p(  .00) rc: 2.73
5d( 9.00) rc: 2.84
5f(  .00) rc: 2.44
Total valence charge:   10.00000

xc_check: Exchange-correlation functional:
xc_check: Ceperley-Alder
V l=0 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  3.8798
V l=1 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  3.8798
V l=2 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  3.8798
V l=3 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  3.8798
All V_l potentials equal beyond r=  2.8033
This should be close to max(r_c) in ps generation
All pots = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  3.8798
Using large-core scheme for Vlocal

atom: Estimated core radius    3.87980

atom: Including non-local core corrections could be a good idea
atom: Maximum radius for 4*pi*r*r*local-pseudopot. charge    4.23458
atom: Maximum radius for r*vlocal+2*Zval:    3.92860
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  0
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  1
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  2
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  3

KBgen: Kleinman-Bylander projectors: 
   l= 0   rc=  2.910370   el=  -.436769   Ekb=  4.269138   kbcos=   .200135
   l= 1   rc=  2.910370   el=  -.072130   Ekb=  1.476375   kbcos=   .245690
   l= 2   rc=  2.874217   el=  -.471638   Ekb= -5.183329   kbcos=  -.722504
   l= 3   rc=  2.910370   el=   .003524   Ekb= -1.958140   kbcos=  -.022829

KBgen: Total number of  Kleinman-Bylander projectors:   16
atom: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

atom: Selected multiple-zeta basis: split     

SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 0

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 6s

   izeta = 1
                 lambda =    1.000000
                     rc =    6.981659
                 energy =    -.429931
                kinetic =     .358719
    potential(screened) =    -.788650
       potential(ionic) =   -7.462152

   izeta = 2
                 rmatch =    5.716093
              splitnorm =     .182532
                 energy =    -.343112
                kinetic =     .625502
    potential(screened) =    -.968614
       potential(ionic) =   -8.134943

SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 2

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 5d

   izeta = 1
                 lambda =    1.000000
                     rc =    5.044431
                 energy =    -.464168
                kinetic =    4.254891
    potential(screened) =   -4.719060
       potential(ionic) =  -13.831024

   izeta = 2
                 rmatch =    2.838512
              splitnorm =     .190633
                 energy =    -.091487
                kinetic =    6.301344
    potential(screened) =   -6.392830
       potential(ionic) =  -16.358932

POLgen: Perturbative polarization orbital with L=  1

POLgen: Polarization orbital for state 6s

   izeta = 1
                     rc =    6.981659
                 energy =    -.106926
                kinetic =     .637884
    potential(screened) =    -.744810
       potential(ionic) =   -7.029134
atom: Total number of Sankey-type orbitals: 15

atm_pop: Valence configuration(local Pseudopot. screening):
 6s(  .00)                                                            
 6p(  .00)                                                            
Vna: chval, zval:   10.00000  10.00000

Vna:  Cut-off radius for the neutral-atom potential:   5.044431

atom: _________________________________________________________________________

N                    Z=   7    Mass=  14.010        Charge= -.13900E-02
Lmxo=2 Lmxkb=3     BasisType=split      Semic=F
L=0  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=2
          n=1  nzeta=2  polorb=0
               vcte:    65.502    
               rinn:    4.2966    
                rcs:    5.6448      3.0291    
            lambdas:    1.0000      1.0000    
L=1  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=2
          n=1  nzeta=2  polorb=0
               vcte:    30.544    
               rinn:    5.8128    
                rcs:    7.2585      2.8555    
            lambdas:    1.0000      1.0000    
L=2  Nsemic=0  Cnfigmx=3
          n=1  nzeta=1  polorb=0
               vcte:    59.153    
               rinn:    .14049    
                rcs:    3.6579    
            lambdas:    1.0000    
L=0  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309
L=1  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309
L=2  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309
L=3  Nkbl=1  erefs:  .17977+309

atom: Called for N   (Z =   7)

read_vps: Pseudopotential generation method:
read_vps: ATM 3.2.2 Troullier-Martins                       

read_vps: Pseudopotential generated from a relativistic atomic calculation
read_vps: There are spin-orbit pseudopotentials available
read_vps: Spin-orbit interaction is not included in this calculation

read_vps: Valence configuration (pseudopotential and basis set generation):
2s( 2.00) rc:  .99
2p( 3.00) rc:  .99
3d(  .00) rc:  .99
4f(  .00) rc:  .99
Total valence charge:    5.00000

xc_check: Exchange-correlation functional:
xc_check: Ceperley-Alder
V l=0 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  1.1662
V l=1 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  1.1662
V l=2 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  1.1662
V l=3 = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  1.1662
All V_l potentials equal beyond r=   .9790
This should be close to max(r_c) in ps generation
All pots = -2*Zval/r beyond r=  1.1662

VLOCAL1: 99.0% of the norm of Vloc inside     45.294 Ry
VLOCAL1: 99.9% of the norm of Vloc inside    103.226 Ry
atom: Maximum radius for 4*pi*r*r*local-pseudopot. charge    1.19577
atom: Maximum radius for r*vlocal+2*Zval:    1.02916
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  0
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  1
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  2
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  3

KBgen: Kleinman-Bylander projectors: 
   l= 0   rc=  1.372085   el= -1.353310   Ekb= 12.245155   kbcos=   .275311
   l= 1   rc=  1.389349   el=  -.532335   Ekb= -7.229919   kbcos=  -.278452
   l= 2   rc=  1.675947   el=   .002346   Ekb= -2.063346   kbcos=  -.002640
   l= 3   rc=  1.947230   el=   .003449   Ekb= -1.004017   kbcos=  -.000198

KBgen: Total number of  Kleinman-Bylander projectors:   16
atom: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

atom: Selected multiple-zeta basis: split     

atom: basis set generated (by rescaling the valence charge)
atom: for an anion of charge   -.0014

SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 0

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 2s

   izeta = 1
                 lambda =    1.000000
                     rc =    5.635168
                 energy =   -1.352726
                kinetic =    1.209558
    potential(screened) =   -2.562284
       potential(ionic) =   -8.066652

   izeta = 2
                 rmatch =    3.016124
              splitnorm =     .141580
                 energy =   -1.172872
                kinetic =    1.899409
    potential(screened) =   -3.072281
       potential(ionic) =   -9.001375

SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 1

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 2p

   izeta = 1
                 lambda =    1.000000
                     rc =    7.235800
                 energy =    -.531938
                kinetic =    3.571754
    potential(screened) =   -4.103692
       potential(ionic) =   -9.418660

   izeta = 2
                 rmatch =    2.869008
              splitnorm =     .205560
                 energy =    -.267318
                kinetic =    5.900435
    potential(screened) =   -6.167752
       potential(ionic) =  -12.282486

SPLIT: Orbitals with angular momentum L= 2

SPLIT: Basis orbitals for state 3d

   izeta = 1
                 lambda =    1.000000
                     rc =    3.683980
                 energy =    3.372639
                kinetic =    6.107250
    potential(screened) =   -2.734611
       potential(ionic) =   -8.093890
atom: Total number of Sankey-type orbitals: 13

atm_pop: Valence configuration(local Pseudopot. screening):
 2s( 2.00)                                                            
 2p( 3.00)                                                            
 3d(  .00)                                                            
Vna: chval, zval:    5.00000   5.00000

Vna:  Cut-off radius for the neutral-atom potential:   7.235800

atom: _________________________________________________________________________

prinput: Basis input ----------------------------------------------------------

PAO.BasisType split     

%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
    1   78 Pt                      # Species index, atomic number, species label
    2    7 N                       # Species index, atomic number, species label
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel

%block PAO.Basis                 # Define Basis set
Pt          2                    # Species label, number of l-shells
 n=6   0   2 P   1                   # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
   6.982      5.716   
   1.000      1.000   
 n=5   2   2                         # n, l, Nzeta 
   5.044      2.839   
   1.000      1.000   
N           3   -.001            # Label, l-shells, ionic net charge
 n=2   0   2                         # n, l, Nzeta 
   5.635      3.016   
   1.000      1.000   
 n=2   1   2                         # n, l, Nzeta 
   7.236      2.869   
   1.000      1.000   
 n=3   2   1                         # n, l, Nzeta 
%endblock PAO.Basis

prinput: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

siesta: ******************** Simulation parameters ****************************
siesta: The following are some of the parameters of the simulation.
siesta: A complete list of the parameters used, including default values,
siesta: can be found in file out.fdf
coor:   Atomic-coordinates input format  =     Cartesian coordinates
coor:                                            (in Bohr units)
redata: Number of spin components        =     1
redata: Long output                      =     F
redata: Number of Atomic Species         =     2
redata: Charge density info will appear in .RHO file
redata: Write Mulliken Pop.              =     NO
redata: Mesh Cutoff                      =   250.0000  Ry
redata: Net charge of the system         =      .0000 |e|
redata: Max. number of SCF Iter          =   200
redata: Performing Pulay mixing using    =     8 iterations
redata: Mix DM in first SCF step ?       =     F
redata: Write Pulay info on disk?        =     F
redata: New DM Mixing Weight             =      .3000
redata: New DM Occupancy tolerance       =  .000000000001
redata: No kicks to SCF
redata: DM Mixing Weight for Kicks       =      .5000
redata: DM Tolerance for SCF             =      .000100
redata: Require Energy convergence for SCF =     F
redata: DM Energy tolerance for SCF      =      .000100 eV
redata: Using Saved Data (generic)   =     T
redata: Use continuation files for DM    =     T
redata: Neglect nonoverlap interactions  =     F
redata: Method of Calculation            =     Diagonalization
redata: Divide and Conquer               =     F
redata: Electronic Temperature           =      .0019  Ry
redata: Fix the spin of the system       =     F
redata: Dynamics option                  =     Force Constants Matrix 
redata: Atomic displ for force constants  =      .0400  Bohr
redata: First atom to move               =       27
redata: Last atom to move                =       28
redata: ***********************************************************************

siesta: WARNING: XV file not found

siesta: Atomic coordinates (Bohr) and species
siesta:     -8.39606  -8.39606  -8.39606  1        1
siesta:     -4.19803  -4.19803  -4.19803  2        2
siesta:     -8.39606  -4.19803  -4.19803  1        3
siesta:     -4.19803    .00000    .00000  2        4
siesta:     -8.39606    .00000    .00000  1        5
siesta:     -4.19803   4.19803   4.19803  2        6
siesta:     -4.19803  -8.39606  -4.19803  1        7
siesta:       .00000  -4.19803    .00000  2        8
siesta:     -4.19803  -4.19803    .00000  1        9
siesta:       .00000    .00000   4.19803  2       10
siesta:     -4.19803    .00000   4.19803  1       11
siesta:       .00000   4.19803   8.39606  2       12
siesta:       .00000  -8.39606    .00000  1       13
siesta:      4.19803  -4.19803   4.19803  2       14
siesta:       .00000  -4.19803   4.19803  1       15
siesta:      4.19803    .00000   8.39606  2       16
siesta:       .00000    .00000   8.39606  1       17
siesta:      4.19803   4.19803  12.59408  2       18
siesta:     -4.19803  -4.19803  -8.39606  1       19
siesta:       .00000    .00000  -4.19803  2       20
siesta:     -4.19803    .00000  -4.19803  1       21
siesta:       .00000   4.19803    .00000  2       22
siesta:     -4.19803   4.19803    .00000  1       23
siesta:       .00000   8.39606   4.19803  2       24
siesta:       .00000  -4.19803  -4.19803  1       25
siesta:      4.19803    .00000    .00000  2       26
siesta:       .00000    .00000    .00000  1       27
siesta:      4.19803   4.19803   4.19803  2       28
siesta:       .00000   4.19803   4.19803  1       29
siesta:      4.19803   8.39606   8.39606  2       30
siesta:      4.19803  -4.19803    .00000  1       31
siesta:      8.39606    .00000   4.19803  2       32
siesta:      4.19803    .00000   4.19803  1       33
siesta:      8.39606   4.19803   8.39606  2       34
siesta:      4.19803   4.19803   8.39606  1       35
siesta:      8.39606   8.39606  12.59408  2       36
siesta:       .00000    .00000  -8.39606  1       37
siesta:      4.19803   4.19803  -4.19803  2       38
siesta:       .00000   4.19803  -4.19803  1       39
siesta:      4.19803   8.39606    .00000  2       40
siesta:       .00000   8.39606    .00000  1       41
siesta:      4.19803  12.59408   4.19803  2       42
siesta:      4.19803    .00000  -4.19803  1       43
siesta:      8.39606   4.19803    .00000  2       44
siesta:      4.19803   4.19803    .00000  1       45
siesta:      8.39606   8.39606   4.19803  2       46
siesta:      4.19803   8.39606   4.19803  1       47
siesta:      8.39606  12.59408   8.39606  2       48
siesta:      8.39606    .00000    .00000  1       49
siesta:     12.59408   4.19803   4.19803  2       50
siesta:      8.39606   4.19803   4.19803  1       51
siesta:     12.59408   8.39606   8.39606  2       52
siesta:      8.39606   8.39606   8.39606  1       53
siesta:     12.59408  12.59408  12.59408  2       54

initatomlists: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:     54   756   864

siesta: System type = bulk      

siesta: k-grid: Number of k-points =  1008
siesta: k-grid: Cutoff             =    56.550 Ang
siesta: k-grid: Supercell and displacements
siesta: k-grid:   12   0   0       .000
siesta: k-grid:    0  12   0       .000
siesta: k-grid:    0   0  12       .000

superc: Internal auxiliary supercell:     3 x     3 x     3  =      27
superc: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:   1458 20412 23328
* Maximum dynamic memory allocated =    14 MB

siesta:                 ==============================
                            Begin FC step =      0
                            Undisplaced coordinates

superc: Internal auxiliary supercell:     3 x     3 x     3  =      27
superc: Number of atoms, orbitals, and projectors:   1458 20412 23328

outcell: Unit cell vectors (Ang):
        6.664500    6.664500     .000000
        6.664500     .000000    6.664500
         .000000    6.664500    6.664500

outcell: Cell vector modules (Ang)   :    9.425026    9.425026    9.425026
outcell: Cell angles (23,13,12) (deg):     60.0000     60.0000     60.0000
outcell: Cell volume (Ang**3)        :    592.0150

Attachment: ptn.fdf
Description: 3597831836-ptn.fdf

Attachment: ptn-siesta.fdf
Description: 1229048467-ptn-siesta.fdf

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