On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Oleksandr Voznyy wrote:

First, the net force on a neutral system must be zero?

But from the
output, I don't see this. I even tried to run one atom in a big periodic cell. To my surprise, the force on this single atom is not zero?

How far is it from zero?
You need also a good grid, i.e. high EnergyCutoff to get it closer to zero.

siesta: Atomic forces (eV/Ang):
siesta:      1    0.081809    0.078704   -0.082804
siesta: ----------------------------------------
siesta:    Tot    0.081809    0.078704   -0.082804

This might be the problem since I used the default Cut-off of 100 Ry. I remember people told me that I need at least 300 Ry. I didn't realize that this affects the total force.

I'll have to make balance between accuracy and the computation time.

Thanks again.

Physics explains everything!
                          -- You Lin


You Lin

Department of Physics
University of South Florida
4202 East Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33620

Tel: (813) 974-8233 [Office]
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Homepage: http://shell.cas.usf.edu/~ylin

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