If you post you .fdf, we might be better able to help you.

On 2/5/07, Saswata Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

dear frnds,

i have got a very peculiar problem..whenever i make a test run with a very
simple .fdf file and the required .psf files it gives lots of warnings as

"comlocal: WARNING It might be a good idea to increase
comlocal: WARNING parameter ntbmax (in file atmparams.f)
comlocal: WARNING to at least ntbmax =    610
comlocal: WARNING It might be a good idea to increase
comlocal: WARNING parameter ntbmax (in file atmparams.f)
comlocal: WARNING to at least ntbmax =    552
atom: Maximum radius for r*vlocal+2*Zval:   27.49097
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  0
KBproj: WARNING: KB projector does not decay to zero
KBproj: WARNING: parameter Rmax in routine KBgen should be increased
KBproj: WARNING: Rc( 0)=      6.1334
KBproj: WARNING: Cut of radius for the KB projector too big
KBproj: WARNING: Increasing the tolerance parameter eps
KBproj: WARNING: might be a good idea
GHOST: No ghost state for L =  1
KBproj: WARNING: KB projector does not decay to zero
KBproj: WARNING: parameter Rmax in routine KBgen should be increased
KBproj: WARNING: Rc( 1)=      6.1334
KBproj: WARNING: Cut of radius for the KB projector too big
KBproj: WARNING: Increasing the tolerance parameter eps
KBproj: WARNING: might be a good idea
GHOST: WARNING: Ghost state for L =  2
KBproj: WARNING: KB projector does not decay to zero
KBproj: WARNING: parameter Rmax in routine KBgen should be increased
KBproj: WARNING: Rc( 2)=      6.1334
KBproj: WARNING: Cut of radius for the KB projector too big
KBproj: WARNING: Increasing the tolerance parameter eps
KBproj: WARNING: might be a good idea
KBgen: WARNING: Ghost states have been detected
KBgen: WARNING: Some parameter should be changed in the
KBgen: WARNING: pseudopotential generation procedure.
Stopping Program from Node:    0

but the thing is that no where i have written anything in the .fdf file
regarding user basis or KB projector as i made a very simple run with only
co-ordinates and some essential things....i have seen in the manual that
neither user basis nor KB projector are essesntial to specify...so as these
are optional i didnt use these for my test run....can anybody give me any
with regards,

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Nichols A. Romero, Ph.D.
1613 Denise Dr. Apt. D
Forest Hill, MD 21050
443-567-8328 (C)
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