change  format in the following line of siesta.F file:
$ grep "E_KS(eV) =" *.*
siesta.F: . write(6,"(/a,f14.4)") 'siesta: E_KS(eV) = ', Etot/eV
siesta.F:     .         '  E_KS(eV) = ',Etot/eV,'  dDmax = ',dDmax


Oleksandr Loboda wrote:

Hi, does anybody know how to change precision format for Etotal
Thank you

Valentin V. Karassev
University of Florida
Quantum Theory Project
2300 NPB #92
P.O. Box 118435
Gainesville, FL, 32611-8435
tel: (352)392-6714
fax: (352)392-8722
C. Quimica, IVIC
tel/fax: 58(212)504-1356

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas - Venezuelan Institute for 
Scientific Research -I.V.I.C.- Caracas, VENEZUELA.
Solo para uso institucional, de acuerdo con la ley - Only for institutional 
use, according to the law.
Para informacion adicional - Additional information

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