Dear All,

2 days back, I write this mail... I have not been able to solve the
problem myself... I didn't get any reply either..... So, would you please
help me?

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: LO-TO splitting in Vibra
Date:    Mon, December 11, 2006 4:12 pm
To:      "Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program,    "; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear All,

I'm trying to get full phonon dispersion of BN nanotube using SIESTA+VIBRA.

Will you please tell me, how to incorporate LO-TO splitting and effective
charge information in VIBRA input file for the calculation of phonon
dispersion? Presently my input file looks like fllowing. Please suggest me
the modifications.
Best regards,
mousumi upadhyay kahaly.

SystemName          BN nanotube # Descriptive name of the system
SystemLabel         13_13_BN             # Short name for naming files

NumberOfAtoms           52            # Number of atoms
NumberOfSpecies         2            # Number of species

%block Chemical_Species_Label
  1    5    B
  2    7    N
%endblock Chemical_Species_Label

LatticeConstant     1.0000000   Ang

%block LatticeVectors
       56.743294    0.050994   -0.000174
      -28.415809  -49.117849    0.000225
       -0.000008   -0.000007    2.491509
%endblock LatticeVectors

AtomicDispl  0.04 Bohr

SuperCell_1   0
SuperCell_2   0
SuperCell_3   2

BandLinesScale   pi/a

%block BandLines
1    0.0000   0.0000   0.0000      \Gamma   # Begin at Gamma
60   0.0000   0.0000   0.601518747    X       # End at X point
%endblock BandLines

Eigenvectors   .true.

AtomicCoordinatesFormat NotScaledCartesianAng # Format for coordinates
AtomicCoorFormatOut     Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
8.93413734 0.00899236 -0.62300997 1     10.810
8.83182316 1.44522559 -0.62292134 2     14.007
8.67674816 2.14802147 0.62297559 1      10.810
8.26037795 3.52411926 0.62284486 2      14.007

  ..... like this, all atomic pos etc
8.67991164 -2.12983294 0.62301927 1     10.810
8.93081688 -0.71144332 0.62289949 2     14.007
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

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