Hi everyone,

I seem to have a very strange problem with parallel SIESTA. The make goes
okay, but the program does not read the input .fdf file. In fact, all it
does is output the out.fdf file that says:

fdf-debug              0     # Default value
SystemName                              # Default value
SystemLabel     siesta
# Default value
WriteXML              T     # Default value
alloc_report_level              0     # Default value
xc.functional     LDA     # Default value
xc.authors     PZ     # Default value
user-basis              F     # Default value
user-basis-netcdf              F     # Default value
PAO.BasisSize     standard            # Default value
PAO.BasisType     split          # Default value
Number_of_species              0     # Default value

So it's all default values, which means that the input file has been
completely ignored. Have any of you had the same problem? Could there be
some important details that I missed during the compilation? The system is
an Itanium2 cluster, and the serial version of SIESTA works on it with no
problems at all.

Thanks everyone!

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