On Tue, 21 Nov 2006, marcel wrote:

| Dear All,
| I'm doing some test calculations on bulk hexagonal CdSe. I want to calculate
| the phonon dispersion.
| (Im using the version of T. Archer, for LO-TO splitting and include BC in my
| Siesta calculation.
| The dielectric constants I use are from literature on measurements. )
| I get perfect acoustic frequencies at 0.0 cm^(-1).
| Lowest optical and highest optical frequency are underestimated by max. 2 %
| from experiment. OK.
| However, the mid-range frequencies are overestimated, up to 10%.
| So would you think this is ok, or should I further investigate the source of
| this discrepancy?


it can be deduced from your message that you have this problem
already in Gamma, and for the minimal cell.
Did you check the effect of k-mesh? The forces and force constants
may vary with it.

Andrei Postnikov

+-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov ---- Tel. +33-387315873 ----- mobile +33-666784053 ---+
| Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Physique Electronique et Chimie,     |
| Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz, France |
+-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------ http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/ 

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