Dear SuiYang,

> I have used SIESTA to study the property of FePt
systems.Here I have a
> question about the atomic forces SIESTA calculated:
> When I am calculating the FePt unit
cell(including 4 atoms) with its
> lattice constant around 4 ang.The corresponding
atomic forces are around
> 0.02 eV/ang.When I am using the 2x2x2
supercell(including 32 atoms) as
> unit cell, with relatively the same atomic
positions,and the lattice
> constant is changed to 8 ang to maintain it is
the same bulk as the
> previous one,however ,the atomic forces are
increased to around one
> hundred eV/ang.

at least one problem that you are having concerns
the number of k-points.
If I understand correctly your FDF files, you're
using Gamma point only for both systems. This is a
problem for two reasons:

1) your cells are very small and a large number of
k-points is possibly needed to be converged;
2) the number of k-points should be consistently
scaled when you increase the size of the direct
space cell (if you double it along the 3 axis,
i.e. if you go from 1x1x1 to 2x2x2, the numer of
k-points should be reduced by a factor 2 in the 3
axis as well).



Riccardo Rurali
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria (ETSE)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Campus de la UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)

tel.: +34 93 581 3531
fax.: +34 93 581 2600

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