I didn't come to my office yesterday, so I am entering this discussion a
bit late. Shouldn't it be possible to treat semicore states by including
nonlinear core corrections as well? I know that it can be done for Pb, for
example, in which you have to include 5d states as well (although I have
not particularly succeeded at it, I know other siesta users - maybe Marivi
Fernandez, but I am not sure - have). Is there any reason not to try nlcc
instead of this "drastic measure" (to say so, since it can increase the
computational burden a lot)?


> You have to include the Au semicore states into your calculation if you
> want
> to get some meaningful results. It is useless to do calculations for the 6s
> only, as 5d electrons also participate in the bonding and cannot be treated
> as core (which is what you're trying to do).
> 2006/11/15, Haiying He <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Dear siesta users,
>> I am working on a system including a large number of Au atoms (in bulk
>> configuration). Does anyone have an Au pseudopotential with only 6s
>> electron in the valence?
>> I have tried with tm2 (improved Troullier-Martins), but without success
>> so
>> far. I cannot get a pseudopotential reproducing the equilibrium lattice
>> constant of Au bulk. The total energy of the Au bulk continued to
>> decrease
>> far below the experimental equilibrium lattice constant. I noticed the
>> generated pseudopotential is too "attractive", but I don't know how to
>> overcome this. Any suggestion will also be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best regards
>> Haiying
>> --
>> Haiying He
>> Department of Physics
>> Michigan Technological University
>> Houghton, MI 49931

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy


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