Hi all,

I have a molecule whose coordinates I would like to change from cartesian
to Zmatrix, as a "molecule" block. However, I don't understand how to
define the torsional angle. From the manual:

"(...) but the torsional angle is defined relative to a notional atom 1
unit in the z-direction above the atom j."

So, suppose I have taken a certain atom which I shall call a, and that I
have already picked atoms i, j and k, respect to which I will define the
radial distance, planar and torsional angles. Does this mean that, in
order to determine the torsional angle, I should determine the angle
formed by the vector connecting a to  j, and the cartesian z axis? I am
thinking of writing a (very) simple fortran utility to automatically
transform cartesian coordinates to the Z-matrix form of molecules, unless
someone has already done so and is willing to share the program. :)

Best regards,


Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Sector
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Trieste, Italy


I have become so addicted to vi that I try to exit OpenOffice by typing :wq!

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